Reviews are also beginning to be posted on Good Reads and I think I have my first official fans.
I wanted to give a huge thank you to Romance Junkies and the incredible glowing review I recieved there and thank you to all the readers who are talking about my book and how much they loved it! All I've ever wanted out of this journey as a writer... (dare I now switch my title to author?) was to give the anxious reader holding my book in their hands something to allow them an escape from reality, only to return them with a smile and a thrill to read more. Some of the authors I respect the most have changed my life in the most incredible ways, ways they will never know of or completely understand. If I can give someone a good book for even a few minutes, I will have met my goal. I am looking forward to giving you readers my next book, Battle for Neverland this month (pending there are no more last minute computer disasters!) and I hope you'll continue to cozy up in your favorite reading spot with a good book and a good cup of tea.
Darkest of Loves,
Nicole Sheldon
Congratulations on the review! And I say, yes, do it! Change your title to author!